Don’t Stop Me Now

I have spent most of the past few years chasing my writing goals, searching for opportunities, perfecting my manuscripts, attending classes, making connections, researching, writing, thinking about writing, checking my email for good news…and I still do all of those things…

but right now, in this current moment I feel this overwhelming sensation that

I already have it all.

That I already have all the ideas and the books and the deals and support humming and buzzing under the surface and charging the waves of discovery with an excitement that I can barely contain.

I can already hear the giggles from rocking chairs and oohs and ahhs when people pull my books from the shelf.

And you know what that makes me want to do?

Write more.

Stay in the joy of figuring out a challenging manuscript, learning a new skill, and sharing more of what I believe is now a necessary part of my joy.

I am not waiting for the next thing to make me happy.

I am not worrying about reaching the next goal.

I am LIVING it now.

This is how I feel, at least in this moment, as I sit here typing, and when, moments ago, I blasted the Queen song, “Don’t Stop Me Now,” on my car radio and belted “’Cause I’m having such a good time!”

I hope you drove by me. And I hope you thought. “Yeah, me too.” Because this feels so good.

And I do believe that this is the feeling that miracles are made of.


50 Precious Words 2024


Holiday Writing Contest 2023