Spring Fling Contest 2022

Recently, I have been really excited about writing contests. They challenge me to polish my work and put it out into the world. The whole process is fun, challenging, and exciting. The sense of support in the #kidlit #writingcommunity is exceptionally beautiful and I’m proud to be a part of it.

For the #SpringFlingKidLit contest, hosted by Kaitlyn Sanchez and Ciara O’Neal, the challenge was to write a story, 150 words or less, based on a spring-themed GIF. Photo credit: @Dancing_in_the_moon1ight

Here’s a little backstory for mine:

My daughter and I planted all of these wildflower seeds in our flower beds. We LOVE wildflowers and we were very excited to watch them grow and bloom. However, our “friend who shall not be named” thought they were weeds and pulled them out before they bloomed. Next time we may need to post a sign. :)


by Christina Shawn 116 words

Please have a seat

and wait with me,

while wildflowers grow.


They are not weeds,

they’re hopes and dreams

intentionally sown.


We planted seeds

with open hearts

and blew each one a kiss.


We turned the soil,

tucked them in,

and told each one a wish.


The sun, the rain,

the gentle breeze

conspired to help them grow.


The robins, squirrels,

the moles and voles

sensed magic from below.


These sweet green sprouts

that poke their heads

up from their earthy mound,


May not appear

to belong here,

but here is where they’re found.


So please don’t pull

them from their roots

before they’re fully grown.


They are not weeds.

they’re hopes and dreams

intentionally sown.




Moment in time